Jeff Sessions loves him some torture.

In some simple questions from Sen. Carl Levin in today's hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee, with Lt. Gen. Michael D. Maples, the director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, the simple answers didn't seem to please hang-em high Sessions.

Carl Levin asked the General, "General, do you believe that waterboarding is consistent with Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions?"

General Maples replied, "No, sir, I don't."

Sen. Levin then asked, "Do you think it is humane?"

To which Maples replied, "No, sir, I think it would go beyond that bound."

Questioning goes on to reveal that General Maples feels that the Army Field Manual, which prohibits waterboarding, gives him and field operatives all the tools they need to gather intelligence.

Then good ol' boy and Alabama shame Jeff Sessions pulled his head out of the great Bush ass and once again defended torture. Sessions was quick to note that the CIA had waterboarded only three times, and of course that was before the Supreme Court ruled that the Geneva Convnetion applied. When the hell did the Geneva Convention not apply. Who the hell needs the Supreme Court to tell them that water boarding is torture and it is illegal and immoral. Apparently, Jeff Sessions does.

You can watch the exchange here...